How Online Games by Hipe Can Help You Destress

How can video games help you de-stress? They’re not just for adults, though. You can also use them to socialize with others, get some exercise, and distance yourself from stressful situations and thoughts. Hipe offers a few tips. Try playing some Mortal Kombat or the Tenacity app. You might be surprised by what you learn! And you can’t beat the addictive quality of these games!

Socializing with others

Researchers have shown that playing games 축구중계 can help combat the pandemic of stress and social isolation. The socialization that occurs while playing games is crucial to warding off the development of depressive disorders. The most popular platforms for online games feature chat rooms for players to interact with each other. These interactions help players feel less isolated and depressed, so it is crucial to choose the right type of game for you.

Tenacity app

If you are in a stressful situation, the Tenacity app by Hipe can help. This free app encourages you to breathe deeply by tapping the screen in rhythm with your breathing. It comes with different environments to choose from and adds distractions as the game progresses. Tenacity can help you de-stress and focus in stressful situations. It is designed to increase your performance on ECT and change your brain’s attention networks.

Mortal Kombat

If you’re in the mood to get violent, try some Mortal Kombat online games. These games are more challenging than Tetris, but they’re also less violent. In one study, players of this combat video game showed a lower heart rate, a stronger aortic arch, and decreased blood pressure and stress hormones than players of Tetris. In addition, players of Mortal Kombat rated it as less violent and more fun than Tetris.


If you are suffering from stress or depression, playing games like Tetris may be the best way to cope. This addictive game, which requires you to fit falling tiles into rows, was first developed in Russia in 1984. It quickly became one of the most popular games in the US. Researchers found that playing these games helped participants destress from stressful situations. People who were waiting for life-changing news found that playing Tetris or other games by Hipe helped them cope.